Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Such a Slacker

Well, I have been enjoying life too much I guess to take the time to sit and update this thing. Busier than I have ever been, that is for sure. So now, as my precious E sits and finishes his cereal & bananas for breakfast before "school" I have a minute. I am in awe at how fast this year has gone. We struggled for what seemed like forever to have a baby and when we finally have one a year passes in the blink of an eye. My baby boy is going to be ONE next Friday - what?! How can that be already? I sit and watch him now and sometimes have trouble remembering how he was before he moved - not that I couldn't look at the thousands of pictures and videos we have ;-) It seems every day he is learning some new "trick" or skill and I am constantly amazed at this kid. His former reluctance for real fruits and veggies has almost gone and he has been enjoying bananas, strawberries, blueberries, edamame, squash, broccoli, cauliflower, and carrots. We still have a few more staples for our house to work on, but I am enjoying this part of eating so much! He might not be too far from walking - he certainly cruises the furniture and has even started walking a bit holding only one of my hands instead of both! He's not completely sure about that yet, but he does it for about 5-10 steps before he reaches out for the other hand. What a kid ;-)